Effect of an exfoliating skincare regimen on the numbers of epithelial squames on the skin of operating theatre staff, studied by surface microscopy
Impact of hand sanitizer format (gel/foam/liquid) and dose amount on its sensory properties and acceptability for improving hand hygiene compliance
Global hand hygiene improvement progress: two surveys using the WHO Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework
Nail microbial colonization following hand disinfection: a qualitative pilot study
Evaluation of ozonated water using ASTM E1174 for standardized testing of handwash formulations for healthcare personnel
Assessing hand hygiene attitudes of inpatient nursing personnel in a US military hospital
Estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis of statistical methodology
An international survey of cleaning and disinfection practices in the healthcare environment
Evaluating serial screening cultures to detect carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae following hospital admission
Clinical and molecular epidemiologic characteristics of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection/colonization among neonates in China
- ・ 1月(28)