Clinical study of antibacterial medical textiles containing polyhydroxyalkanoate oligomers for reduction of hospital-acquired infections L.L. Ma*, Y-Y. Wei, J.Li, Y-Y. Sun, S.R. Liu, K.M. Ma, P.H-M. Leung, X.M. Tao *The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 149, 144-154
7 日間の使用後、PET/PHBV/PLA-PLAO製布の 94%で、総細菌数に対して 20 コロニー形成単位/100 cm2 未満の値が保持され、衛生および清浄度の基準を満たした。
監訳者コメント :
A comprehensive qualitative investigation of the factors that affect surgical site infection prevention in cardiac surgery in England using observations and interviews J. Tanner*, L. Brierley Jones, N. Westwood, M. Rochon, C. Wloch, R. Vaja, L.J. Rogers, J. Dearling, K. Wilson, B.H. Kirmani, S.K. Bhudia, C. Rajakaruna, M. Petrou, L. Bailes, A. Jawarchan, M. Baker, G.J. Murphy *University of Nottingham, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 149, 119-125
Effect of contact precautions on preventing meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus transmission in intensive care units: a review and modelling study of field trials S. Xiao*, R. Lin, H. Ye, C. Li, Y. Luo, G. Wang, H. Lei *Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University, PR China Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 144, 66-74
Achromobacter species (sp.) outbreak caused by hospital equipment containing contaminated water: risk factors for infection J. Tian*, T. Zhao, R. Tu, B. Zhang, Y. Huang, Z. Shen, Y. Wang, G. Du *The First People’s Hospital of Guiyang, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 141-147
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of surgical site infection after orthopaedic surgery: an interrupted time series analysis of the nationwide surveillance database in Japan T. Mimura*, G. Matsumoto, T. Natori, S. Ikegami, M. Uehara, H. Oba, T. Hatakenaka, T. Kamanaka, Y. Miyaoka, D. Kurogochi, T. Fukuzawa, M. Koseki, S. Kanai, J. Takahashi *Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 146, 160-165
Diagnostic tool for surveillance, detection and monitoring of the high-risk clone K. pneumoniae ST15 E. Gato*, B.K. Rodiño-Janeiro, M.J. Gude, F. Fernández-Cuenca, Á. Pascual, A. Fernández, A. Pérez, G. Bou *Institute for Biomedical Research of A Coruña (INIBIC), Spain Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 18-25