閉鎖創における陰圧閉鎖療法は、開腹大腸手術後の表層手術部位感染症を低減する:NSQIP の大腸切除術研究★
Closed-incision negative-pressure wound therapy reduces superficial surgical site infections after open colon surgery: an NSQIP Colectomy Study M.M. Mankarious*, N.L. Eng, A.C. Portolese, M.J. Deutsch, P. Lynn, A.S. Kulaylat, J.S. Scow *Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 187-192
3 次教育病院に入院中に保菌していた患者から分離され、新たに特徴が明らかにされた多剤耐性シュードシトロバクター(Pseudocitrobacter)属★
A novel characterized multi-drug-resistant Pseudocitrobacter sp. isolated from a patient colonized while admitted to a tertiary teaching hospital S.A. Kelly*, N.H. O’Connell, T.P. Thompson, L. Dillon, J. Wu, C. Creevey, J. Powell, B.F. Gilmore, C.P. Dunne *Queen’s University Belfast, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 193-202
Incorporation of skin preparation guidelines in local surgical facility protocols: what kind of barriers does it face? A multi-centre study in France D. Verjat-Trannoy*, V. Merle, C. Daniel, J. Sambourg, P. Astagneau *Centre régional de prévention des infections associées aux soins (CPias) Ile-de-France, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 203-209
新生児集中治療室における擦式アルコール製剤の乾燥時間の遵守を改善するための手指衛生の視覚的フィードバックシステムの検証:Incubator Traffic Light システム★
Validation of a hand hygiene visual feedback system to improve compliance with drying time of alcohol-based hand rub in a neonatal intensive care unit: the Incubator Traffic Light system R.H.J. van Gils*, R.F. Kornelisse, J. Dankelman, O.K. Helder *University Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 210-217
Plasma-activated liquid as a potential decontaminant in healthcare: assessment of antibacterial activity and use with cleaning cloths M. Fallon*, S. Kennedy, S. Daniels, H. Humphreys *Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 218-223
- ・ 1月(28)