Testing of the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Framework at acute healthcare facility level
S. Tomczyk*, S. Aghdassi, J. Storr, S. Hansen, A.J. Stewardson, P. Bischoff, P. Gastmeier, B. Allegranzi
*World Health Organization, Switzerland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 83-90
Costs associated with measles in healthcare personnel during the 2017-2018 epidemic in Greece: a realworld data cost-of-illness analysis
H.C. Maltezou*, X. Dedoukou, E. Pavi, M. Theodoridou, K. Athanasakis
*Department for Interventions in Healthcare Facilities, Greece
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 91-94
Usefulness of the Bristol Stool Form Chart scoring system for the laboratory processing of faecal samples in suspected Clostridioides difficile cases
R.A. Corrigan*, K. Sithamparanathan, C. Kenny, T.H.N. Wong
*Stoke Mandeville Hospital, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 95-97
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