Prevention of deep sternal wound infection in cardiac surgery: a literature review
R.J. Vos*, B.P. Van Putte, G.T.L. Kloppenburg
*St. Antonius Hospital, The Netherlands
Journal of Hospital Infection (2018) 100, 411-420
深部胸骨創感染症は心臓手術の重篤な合併症の 1 つであり、死亡率、罹患率および治療費に関して重大な影響を及ぼす。過去数十年の間に、手術部位感染症予防の標準的なガイドラインに加え、深部胸骨創感染症予防における多数の具体策が開発され、評価を受けてきた。本レビューは、深部胸骨創感染症予防のためのこれらの具体策に焦点を当てた。
検索した 743 報の文献のうち、48 報のランダム化比較試験を選択した。研究は 12 分類に分けられ、術前、周術期および術後の予防策を含んだ。有効性が示された具体策は、抗菌薬予防投与(第一世代セファロスポリンを 少なくとも 24 時間迄は継続)、閉胸前のゲンタマイシンの局所投与、スチールワイヤー 8 本 を用いた胸骨閉鎖、コルセットまたはベストを用いた術後の胸部サポートであった。
Immersion of debrided diabetic foot ulcer tissue in electrochemically generated pH neutral hypochlorous acid significantly reduces the microbial bioburden: whole-genome sequencing of Staphylococcus aureus, the most prevalent species recovered L. Grealy*, P. Wilson, C. Gillen, É. Duffy, M.-L. Healy, B. Daly, I. Polyzois, M. Van Harten, A. Dougall, G.I. Brennan D.C. Coleman, B.A. McManus *Dublin Dental University Hospital, The University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 138, 42-51
First experience of implementing Candida auris real-time PCR for surveillance in the UK: detection of multiple introductions with two international clades and improved patient outcomes S.K. Taori*, J. Rhodes, K. Khonyongwa, A. Szendroi, M. Smith, A.M. Borman, J. Kumarage, C.S. Brown, G. Moore, N. Desai *NHS Lothian, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 111-120
Nurses’ attitudes, behaviours, and enablers of intravenous to oral switching (IVOS) of antibiotics: a mixed-methods survey of nursing staff in secondary care hospitals across the Midlands region of England R.A. Hamilton*, N. Williams, C. Ashton, S.A.D. Gilani, S. Hussain, C. Jamieson, S. Razaq, A. Jenkins *De Montfort University, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 9-16
Comparison of an algorithm, and coding data, with traditional surveillance to identify surgical site infections in Australia: a retrospective multi-centred cohort study P.L. Russo*, A.C. Cheng, M. Asghari-Jafarabadi, T. Bucknall *Monash University, Clayton, Australia Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 148, 112-118
Surgical site infection prevention bundle in elective colorectal surgery L.K. Dixon*, S. Biggs, D. Messenger, J. Shabbir *University Hospitals Bristol and Weston, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 122, 162-167