Role of healthcare apparel and other healthcare textiles in the transmission of pathogens: a review of the literature
A. Mitchell*, M. Spencer, C. Edmiston Jr.
*International Safety Center, FL, USA
Journal of Hospital Infection (2015) 90, 285-292
医療者の衣服の汚染や洗濯に関する論文のレビューであり、情報集としても役立つ。ちなみに、「一般の事務職は、1 時間に 15.7 回、目、鼻、口を触っている」らしい。医療者はそれ以下であろうと思われるが、意識しないとつい触ってしまうのだろう。
Nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units in developed and developing countries: how can we narrow the gap?
Knowledge, perceptions and experiences of nurses in antimicrobial optimization or stewardship in the intensive care unit
J. Padigos*, S. Reid, E. Kirby, J. Broom
*Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Australia
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 10-28
Mimicking disinfection and drying of biofilms in contaminated endoscopes
Four country healthcare-associated infection prevalence survey: pneumonia and lower respiratory tract infections
Whole-genome sequencing in the investigation of recurrent invasive group A streptococcus outbreaks in a maternity unit