Standard precautions: what is meant and what is not
E.T. Curran*
*NHS National Services Scotland, Health Protection Scotland, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2015) 90, 10-11
No abstract.
英国ではカルバペネム分解酵素産生菌の感染対策にからみ、標準予防策とは何かの記載について、WHO と CDC、スコットランド地方の保健当局ならびに英国のエビデンスに基づく感染予防ガイドライン(epic3 プロジェクト)との間で食い違いがあり混乱を招いていると指摘、概念の統一性と今後の進歩に期待を寄せている。
Achieving optimal influenza vaccination rates: a survey-based study of healthcare workers in an urban hospital
Postoperative nosocomial endophthalmitis: is perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis advisable? A single centre’s experience
Outbreak of human metapneumovirus infection in psychiatric inpatients: implications for directly observed use of alcohol hand rub in prevention of nosocomial outbreaks
Consumption of alcohol-based hand rub in French nursing homes: results from a nationwide survey, 2018-2019 O. Ali-Brandmeyer*, K. Blanckaert, M. Nion-Huang, L. Simon, G. Birgand, the CPias Network *Centre d’appui à la prévention des infections associées aux soins Grand Est, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 118, 27-31
A COVID-19 superspreading event involving two variants during sociotherapy activities in a French mental health centre C. Ferriot*, C. Durance, L. Trutt, C. Rozo, C. Louvigné, C. Bressollette-Bodin, G. Birgand *Centre d’appui pour la Prévention des Infections Associées aux Soins des Pays de la Loire, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 34-38
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