Does microbial resistance or adaptation to biocides create a hazard in infection prevention and control?
B. Meyer*, B. Cookson
*Ecolab Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Journal of Hospital Infection (2010) 76, 200-205
Lack of sustained efficacy for alcohol-based surgical hand rubs containing ‘residual active ingredients’ according to EN 12791
A systematic review and meta-analysis of disease burden of healthcare-associated infections in China: an economic burden perspective from general hospitals X. Liu*, A. Spencer, Y. Long, C. Greenhalgh, S. Steeg, A. Verma *the University of Manchester, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 123, 1-11
Influence of the Internet of Things management system on hand hygiene compliance in an emergency intensive care unit
N.Xu*, C. Liu, Y. Feng, F. Li, X. Meng, Q. Lv, C. Lan
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Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 109, 101-106
Poor postoperative blood glucose control increases surgical site infections after surgery for hepato-biliary-pancreatic cancer: a prospective study in a high-volume institute in Japan
Finding a benchmark for monitoring hospital cleanliness