Noroviruses in healthcare settings: a challenging problem
M. Koopmans*
*Erasmus Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Journal of Hospital Infection (2009) 73, 331-337
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
Infection control and meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in nursing homes in Oslo
Comparison of high-flow nasal cannula versus oxygen face mask for environmental bacterial contamination in critically ill pneumonia patients: a randomized controlled crossover trial
Relationship between patient safety climate and standard precaution adherence: a systematic review of the literature
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Dismantling myths on the airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)
J.W. Tang*, W.P. Bahnfleth, P.M. Bluyssen, G. Buonanno, J.L. Jimenez, J. Kurnitski, Y. Li, S. Miller, C. Sekhar, L. Morawska, L.C. Marr, A.K. Melikov, W.W. Nazaroff, P.V. Nielsen, R. Tellier, P. Wargocki, S.J. Dancer
*University of Leicester, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 110, 89-96