Surgical hand rubbing compared with surgical hand scrubbing: comparison of efficacy and costs
M.P. Tavolacci*, I. Pitrou, V. Merle, S. Haghighat, D. Thillard, P. Czernichow
*Rouen University Hospital, France
Journal of Hospital Infection (2006) 63, 55-59
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
Free-living amoebae: what part do they play in healthcare-associated infections?
Nosocomial infections caused by Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus
K. Tsergouli*, T. Karampatakis, A-B. Haidich, S. Metallidis, A. Papa
*Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 43-52
Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP)-based cleaning monitoring in health care: how rapidly does environmental ATP deteriorate?
Costs of nosocomial pneumonia caused by meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Point-of-care testing by healthcare workers for detection of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,Clostridioides difficile, and norovirus