Bundled skin antiseptic preparation for complex cardiac implantable electronic device infection: a propensity-score matching cohort study
Effect of gloved hand disinfection on hand hygiene before infection-prone procedures on a stem cell ward
Norovirus recovery from floors and air after various decontamination protocols
Epidemiology and impact of norovirus outbreaks in Norwegian healthcare institutions, 2005-2018
Nosocomial infection by human bocavirus and human rhinovirus among paediatric patients with respiratory risks
Molecular epidemiology of an outbreak of human parainfluenza virus 3 among oncology patients
Can real-time polymerase chain reaction allow a faster recovery of hospital activity in cases of an incidental discovery of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci carriers?
Predicting acquisition of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative pathogens in intensive care units
Escherichia coli bloodstream infection outcomes and preventability: a six-month prospective observational study
Incremental clinical and economic burden of suspected respiratory infections due to multi-drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the United States