環境汚染は患者に関連する特定の特徴によって説明可能か? Can environmental contamination be explained by particular traits associated with patients?

B. Pilmis*, T. Billard-Pomares, M. Martin, C. Clarempuy, C. Lemezo, C. Saint-Marc, N. Bourlon, D. Seytre, E. Carbonnelle, J-R. Zahar
*Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph, France
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 293-297

術前消毒において示されたポビドンヨードアルコールの粘膜への影響 Mucosal impact of alcoholic povidone-iodine indicated in preoperative disinfection

F. Bruyère*, P. Laine, G. Saint-Jalmes, S. Malavaud, B. Pradere
*Service d’Urologie, CHRU Tours, France
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 302-304

ガーナの主要な教育病院における手術中の空気サンプルから分離した細菌と手術部位感染症の遺伝的関係 Genetic relationship between bacteria isolated from intraoperative air samples and surgical site infections at a major teaching hospital in Ghana

M.A. Stauning*, A. Bediako-Bowan, S. Bjerrum, L.P. Andersen, S. Andreu-Sánchez, A-K. Labi, J.A.L. Kurtzhals, R.L. Marvig, J.A. Opintan
*Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 309-320

ガーナの教育病院における手術部位感染症のサーベイランス:前向きコホート研究 Surveillance of surgical site infection in a teaching hospital in Ghana: a prospective cohort study

A. Bediako-Bowan*, E. Owusu, S. Debrah, A. Kjerulf, M.J. Newman, J.A.L. Kurtzhals, K. Mølbak
*University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 321-327

⌈Getting it Right First Time:最初に正しく医療を行う⌋の全国監査について外科医はどう思っているか?定性的評価による結果 How do surgeons feel about the ‘Getting it Right First Time’ national audit? Results from a qualitative assessment

G. Birgand*, R. Troughton, V. Mariano, S. Hettiaratchy, S. Hopkins, J.A. Otter, A. Holmes
*Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Imperial College UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 328-331

侵襲性肺アスペルギルス症:基礎疾患として造血器悪性腫瘍を有する患者と固形癌を有する患者の比較分析 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: comparative analysis in cancer patients with underlying haematologic malignancies versus solid tumours

R.W. Dib*, M. Khalil, J. Fares, R.Y. Hachem, Y. Jiang, D. Dandachi, A.-M. Chaftari, I.I. Raad
*The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 358-364

気送管の輸送システムは潜在的病原体を伝播するか?大学病院 1 施設における衛生リスクの評価★ Do pneumatic tube transport systems transmit potential pathogens? A hygienic risk assessment in a university hospital

L. Khaznadar*, S.J. Dancer, A. Petersmann, U. Seifert, H. Below, R. Papke, M. Suchomel, T. Kohlmann, A. Kramer
*University Medicine Greifswald, Germany
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 104, 374-380



