Nosocomial swine influenza (H1N1) pneumonia: lessons learned from an illustrative case
Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage in UK veterinary staff and owners of infected pets: new risk groups
Dental unit waterlines: source of contamination and cross-infection
Effect of anaesthesia maintained with sevoflurane and propofol on surgical site infection after elective open gastrointestinal surgery
Thermostable adenylate kinase technology: a new process indicator and its use as a validation tool for the reprocessing of surgical instruments
Quantitative measurement of the efficacy of protein removal by cleaning formulations; comparative evaluation of prion-directed cleaning chemistries
Resistance of Legionella pneumophila serotype 1 biofilms to chlorine-based disinfection
Biofilm removal by medical device cleaners: comparison of two bioreactor detection assays
- ・ 1月(28)