Observing and quantifying airflows in the infection control of aerosol- and airborne-transmitted diseases: an overview of approaches
Skin antiseptics in venous puncture-site disinfection for prevention of blood culture contamination: systematic review with meta-analysis D. Caldeira*, C. David, C. Sampaio *Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Laboratory, Portugal Journal of Hospital Infection (2011) 77, 223-232
Clinical and economic impact of contaminated blood cultures within the hospital setting
Foodborne gastroenteritis outbreak in an Austrian healthcare facility caused by asymptomatic, norovirus-excreting kitchen staff
Environmental survey to assess viral contamination of air and surfaces in hospital settings
Rapid testing for respiratory syncytial virus in a paediatric emergency department: benefits for infection control and bed management
Sensitivity and specificity of the user-seal-check in determining the fit of N95 respirators
Tuberculosis screening programme using the QuantiFERONR-TB Gold test and chest computed tomography for healthcare workers accidentally exposed to patients with tuberculosis
Ethanol in pre-surgical hand rubs: concentration and duration of application for achieving European Norm EN 12791
Hospital-wide outbreak of Burkholderia contaminans caused by prefabricated moist washcloths