Burden of gastroenteritis outbreaks: specific epidemiology in a cohort of institutions caring for dependent people
Trends in the incidence rate of device-associated infections in intensive care units after the establishment of the Korean Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System
Intensive care unit environmental surfaces are contaminated by multidrug-resistant bacteria in biofilms: combined results of conventional culture, pyrosequencing, scanning electron microscopy, and confocal laser microscopy
Environmental challenges of identifying a patient zone and the healthcare zone in a crowded Vietnamese hospital
Evidence that a novel quaternary compound and its organic N-chloramine derivative do not select for resistant mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Psychosocial determinants of self-reported hand hygiene behaviour: a survey comparing physicians and nurses in intensive care units
Effects of fluoroquinolone restriction (from 2007 to 2012) on resistance in Enterobacteriaceae: interrupted time-series analysis
Effects of fluoroquinolone restriction (from 2007 to 2012) on Clostridium difficile infections: interrupted time-series analysis
Quantitative impact of direct, personal feedback on hand hygiene technique
Effectiveness of contact precautions against multidrug-resistant organism transmission in acute care: a systematic review of the literature