Identification of genetic variation exclusive to specific lineages associated with Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
Outcomes in consecutive hospitalized UK patients with bacteraemia or fungaemia caused by medical devices and procedures
Nosocomial pneumonia in non-invasive ventilation patients: incidence, characteristics, and outcomes
Implementing a declination form programme to improve influenza vaccine uptake by staff in Department of Veterans Affairs spinal cord injury centres: a pilot study
The adenosine triphosphate method as a quality control tool to assess ‘cleanliness’ of frequently touched hospital surfaces
Comparison of five commercially available immunochromatographic tests for the detection of norovirus in faecal specimens
The stethoscope and healthcare-associated infection: a snake in the grass or innocent bystander?
Cross-sectional study of Ebola virus disease preparedness among National Health Service hospital trusts in England
- ・ 1月(28)