Lack of sustained efficacy for alcohol-based surgical hand rubs containing ‘residual active ingredients’ according to EN 12791
Impact of observing hand hygiene in practice and research: a methodological reconsideration
Use of ventilator utilization ratio for stratifying alcohol-based hand-rub consumption data to improve surveillance on intensive care units
The global hand-sanitizing relay: promoting hand hygiene through innovation
Characteristics of patients with hospital-acquired influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus admitted to the intensive care unit
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) outbreak in South Korea, 2015: epidemiology, characteristics and public health implications
Effective use of oral ribavirin for respiratory syncytial viral infections in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients
vanA-positive multi-drug-resistant Enterococcus spp. isolated from surfaces of a US hospital laundry facility
- ・ 1月(28)