Does appropriate empiric antibiotic therapy modify intensive care unit-acquired Enterobacteriaceae bacteraemia mortality and discharge?
Unique characteristics of community-onset healthcare-associated bloodstream infections: a multi-centre prospective surveillance study of bloodstream infections in Japan
Attributable mortality of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in Ireland
Personal protective equipment solution for UK military medical personnel working in an Ebola virus disease treatment unit in Sierra Leone
Deconstructing the relative benefits of a universal glove and gown intervention on MRSA acquisition
Rate of contamination of hospital privacy curtains on a burns and plastic surgery ward: a cross-sectional study
Infection control implications of the laundering of ambulance staff uniforms and reusable mops
Identification badge lanyards as infection control risk: a cross-sectional observation study with epidemiological analysis
Universal screening and decolonization for control of MRSA in nursing homes: follow-up of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Infection of exposed patients during norovirus outbreaks: are there predictive parameters?