Association between Pseudomonas aeruginosa positive water samples and healthcare-associated cases: nine-year study at one university hospital
Association of hospital contact precaution policies with emergency department admission time
Comparison of the Nosocomial Pneumonia Mortality Prediction (NPMP) model with standard mortality prediction tools
High frequency of silver resistance genes in invasive isolates of Enterobacter and Klebsiella species
Group A rotavirus genotypes in hospital-acquired gastroenteritis in Italy, 2012-14
Influenza vaccine uptake, determinants, motivators, and barriers of the vaccine receipt among healthcare workers in a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia
Understanding the magnitude of occupational exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and uptake of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis among healthcare workers in a rural district in Tanzania
Compliance with clothing regulations and traffic flow in the operating room: a multi-centre study of staff discipline during surgical procedures
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in a university hospital of traditional Chinese medicine: molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance
Use of parenteral antimicrobials in very small hospitals in inner Brazil: patterns, determinants, and opportunities for interventions in developing countries