カンジダ尿におけるカンジダ・トロピカーリス(Candida tropicalis)の複数部位塩基配列タイピングによりアゾール感受性分離株のアウトブレイクおよびアゾール耐性分離株に豊富なクローンクラスターが示される★
Multi-locus sequence typing of Candida tropicalis among Candiduria shows an outbreak in azole-susceptible isolates and clonal cluster enriched in azole-resistant isolates L. Zhao*, L.F. Xu, G.D. Xiang, Q.C. Zhou, Y. Wang, G.Y. Li *The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 156, 96-105
オランダの病院におけるカンジダ・オーリス(Candida auris):準備はできているか?
Candida auris in Dutch hospitals: are we ready for it? L.M.L. Dix*, D.W. Notermans, C. Schneeberger, K. van Dijk *National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 156, 106-112
The Barts Surgical Infection Risk (B-SIR) tool: external validation and comparison with existing tools to predict surgical site infection after cardiac surgery R. Magboo*, J. Cooper, A. Shipolini, G. Krasopoulos, B.H. Kirmani, E. Akowuah, H. Byers, J. Sanders *St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 156, 113-120
緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)による医療関連血流感染症における環境の役割の評価:1 年間の前向き調査
Assessing the role of environment in Pseudomonas aeruginosa healthcare-associated bloodstream infections: a one-year prospective survey M. Virieux-Petita*, J. Ferreira, A. Masnou, C. Bormes, M-P. Paquis, M. Toubiana, L. Bonzon, S. Godreuil, S. Romano-Bertrand *University Hospital of Montpellier, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2025) 156, 26-33