アゾール耐性アスペルギルス・フミガーツス(Aspergillus fumigatus)の感染源としての病院の特別病棟の電子装置と機器:イランからの多施設共同研究★
Electronic equipment and appliances in special wards of hospitals as a source of azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus: a multi-centre study from Iran

M. Ghazanfari*, M. Abastabar, I. Haghani, F. Kermani, N. Keikha, M. Kholoujini, M.H. Minooeianhaghighi, S.A. Jeddi, A. Shokri, A. Ghojoghi, K. Amirizad, M. Azish, Y. Nasirzadeh, B. Roohi, M. Nosratabadi, S. Hedayati, S. Ghanbari, R. Valadan, M.T. Hedayati
*Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 65-76

COVID-19 患者における SARS-CoV-2 RNA の拡散および吐き出されるバイオエアロゾル粒子に対する生理食塩水によるネブライザーの効果★★
Effects of saline nebulization on SARS-CoV-2 RNA spreading and exhaled bio-aerosol particles in COVID-19 patients

F. Buttini*, L. Gori, F. Morecchiato, A. Sorano, A. Antonelli, G.M. Rossolini, A. Bartoloni, J. Mencarini, R. Bettini, F. Lavorini
*University of Parma, Italy

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 77-82

Comparison of different regimens of short-term antibiotic prophylaxis in transrectal prostate biopsy

E. Krsakova*, A. Cermak, M. Fedorko
*University Hospital Brno, Czechia

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 83-87

Diagnostic accuracy of clinical and laboratory characteristics in suspected non-surgical nosocomial central nervous system infections

I.E. van Zeggeren*, C.J. Pennartz, L. ter Horst, D. van de Beek, M.C. Brouwer, I-PACE Study Group
*Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 99-105

The cost–utility analysis of antifungal prophylaxis for invasive fungal infections in acute myeloid leukaemia patients receiving chemotherapy: a study from a middle-income country

T. Pungprasert*, D. Dhirachaikulpanich, W. Phutthasakda, N. Tantai, S. Maneeon, V. Nganthavee, K. Atipas, S. Tanpong, S. Krithin, S. Tanglitanon, W. Jutidamrongphan, M. Chayakulkeeree, V. Srinonprasert, P. Phikulsod
*Mahidol University, Thailand

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 118-128

急性心不全による入院におけるクロストリジオイデス・ディフィシル(Clostridioides difficile)感染の転帰:全国入院データベース からの洞察★
Outcomes of Clostridioides difficile infection in acute heart failure hospitalizations: insights from the National Inpatient Database

S. Duhan*, A. Taha, B. Keisham, I. Badu, L. Atti, M.H. Hussein, H. Sandhyavenu, D. Uppal, U.S. Tantry, K.P. Bliden, A. Tarff, S. Ali, S. Ali, A. Rout, P.A. Gurbel
*Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 129-139

The relative efficacy of multiple syringe tip disinfection techniques against virulent staphylococcus contamination

S. Gibbons*, F. Dexter, R.W. Loftus, J.R. Brown, B.T. Wanta, J.E. Charnin
*University of Iowa, USA

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 142-147

Infection prevention and control policy implementation for CPE: a cross-sectional national survey of healthcare workers reveals knowledge gaps and suboptimal practices

A. Kearney*, H. Humphreys, D. Fitzgerald-Hughes
*Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 148-154

全ゲノムシークエンシングにより、四級アンモニウム化合物に対する耐性を有する緑膿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)の高リスク株 ST111 および ST235 による 長期にわたる 2 つの同時アウトブレイクが明らかに★
Whole-genome sequencing reveals two prolonged simultaneous outbreaks involving Pseudomonas aeruginosa high-risk strains ST111 and ST235 with resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds

A. Rath*, B. Kieninger, J. Fritsch, A. Caplunik-Pratsch, S. Blaas, M. Ochmann, M. Pfeifer, J. Hartle, T. Holzmann, W. Schneider-Brachert
*University Hospital Regensburg, Germany

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 155-164

2020 年から 2022 年のノルウェーにおける病院下水を介した、エピデミックの原因となるOXA-244 カルバペネマーゼ産生大腸菌(Escherichia coli)ST38 の出現と拡散
Emergence and dissemination of epidemic-causing OXA-244 carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli ST38 through hospital sewage in Norway, 2020–2022

D.H. Grevskott*, V. Radisic, F. Salvà-Serra, E.R.B. Moore, K.S. Akervold, M.P. Victor, N.P. Marathe
*Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway

Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 165-173



