Implementation of a new surveillance system for dialysis-associated infection events in outpatient dialysis facilities in Germany B. Weikert*, T.S. Kramer, F. Schwab, C. Graf-Allgeier, J-O. Clausmeyer, S.I. Wolke, P. Gastmeier, C. Geffers *Charité–University Hospital Berlin, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 67-73
病院 2 施設の 3 次ケアシステムで 2 回連続して発生した、バークホルデリア・コンタミナンス(Burkholderia contaminans)で汚染されたクロルヘキシジンマウスウォッシュによるアウトブレイク★
Two consecutive outbreaks caused by chlorhexidine mouthwash contaminated with Burkholderia contaminans in a two-hospital tertiary care system M. Al Zunitan*, F. Aldawood, A. El-Saed, M. Azzam, K. Abou Yassine, L. Alshammari, M.M. Alshamrani *King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 96-104
香港の心臓胸部ユニットのアウトブレイクにおけるカンジダ・オーリス(Candida auris)の広範囲にわたる空気拡散★
Long-range air dispersion of Candida auris in a cardiothoracic unit outbreak in Hong Kong T. Didik*, A.P-Y. Yau, H.L. Cheung, S-Y. Lee, N-H. Chan, Y-T. Wah, H.K-H. Luk, G.K-Y. Choi, N.H-Y. Cheng, H. Tse, Y. Li, S.C.Y Wong, D.C. Lung *Queen Elizabeth Hospital, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 105-114
英国における市中感染症に対する抗菌薬の急性期処方および周術期予防的抗菌薬投与の適切性:2016 年の国内点有病率調査のデータ分析★
Appropriateness of acute-care antibiotic prescriptions for community-acquired infections and surgical antibiotic prophylaxis in England: analysis of 2016 national point prevalence survey data H. Higgins*, R. Freeman, A. Doble, G. Hood, J. Islam, S. Gerver, K.L. Henderson, A. Demirjian , S. Hopkins, D. Ashiru-Oredope *United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA, Previously Public Health England (PHE)), UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 142, 115-129
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