Improving compliance with isolation measures in the operating room: a prospective simulation study comparing the effectiveness and costs of simulation-based training vs video-based training L. Stutz*, B. Koertgen, T. Scheier, T. Klaentschi, H. Junge, M. Kolbe, B. Grande *Cantonal Hospital Grisons, Switzerland Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 167-174
どちらの形態のトレーニングも、知識または認識された心理的安全性における有意な改善をもたらさなかった(F = 0.235、P = 0.629、η2 = 0.003)。シミュレーションに基づくトレーニングを受けた参加者は、設定されたシナリオにおいて意見を述べる意思のレベルが、ビデオに基づくトレーニングを受けた参加者よりも高いと報告した。参加者は、シミュレーションに基づくトレーニングを、ビデオに基づくトレーニングよりも有意により肯定的な認識をしていた。
Impacts of pharmacist-led multi-faceted antimicrobial stewardship on antibiotic use and clinical outcomes in urology department of a tertiary hospital in Guangzhou, China: an interrupted time-series study H. Xia*, J. Li, X. Yang, Y. Zeng, L. Shi, X. Li, S. Qiu, S. Yang, M. Zhao, J. Chen, L. Yang *Sun Yat-sen University, China Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 151, 148-160
Transfer of micro-organisms from dry surface biofilms and the influence of long survival under conditions of poor nutrition and moisture on the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus N.J. Amaeze*, A.B. Akinbobola, R. Kean, G. Ramage, C. Williams, W. Mackay *University of West of Scotland, UK Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 150, 34-39
Outcomes of Clostridioides difficile infection in acute heart failure hospitalizations: insights from the National Inpatient Database S. Duhan*, A. Taha, B. Keisham, I. Badu, L. Atti, M.H. Hussein, H. Sandhyavenu, D. Uppal, U.S. Tantry, K.P. Bliden, A. Tarff, S. Ali, S. Ali, A. Rout, P.A. Gurbel *Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, USA Journal of Hospital Infection (2024) 145, 129-139
Effectiveness of an enhanced antibiotic stewardship programme among paediatric patients in a tertiary hospital in Vietnam H.Q. Nguyen*, H-Y. Nguyen-Thi, P-T. Huynh, N.D.T. Le, N.T-Q. Nguyen, Y. Hsia *University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Journal of Hospital Infection (2022) 127, 121-128
Virucidal activity of oral, hand, and surface disinfectants against respiratory syncytial virus T.L. Meister*, M. Friesland, N. Frericks, M. Wetzke, S. Haid, J. Steinmann, D. Todt, T. Pietschmann, E. Steinmann *Ruhr University Bochum, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2023) 141, 25-32