手術チームの活動が混合換気システムの手術室における空中細菌の分布に及ぼす影響:St. Olavs 病院でのケーススタディ★
Influence of surgical team activity on airborne bacterial distribution in the operating room with a mixing ventilation system: a case study at St. Olavs Hospital M.K. Annaqeeb*, Y. Zhang, J.W. Dziedzic, K. Xue, C. Pedersen, L.I. Stenstad, V. Novakovic, G. Cao *Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 91-98
Virucidal efficacy of an ozone-generating system for automated room disinfection J. Steinmann*, T. Burkard, B. Becker, D. Paulmann, D. Todt, B. Bischoff, E. Steinmann, F.H.H. Brill *Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, Germany Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 16-20
新生児集中治療室におけるエンテロバクター・クロアカエ(Enterobacter cloacae)複合体株のアウトブレイク:多面的調査および予防策が必要★
Enterobacter cloacae complex outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit: multifaceted investigations and preventive measures are needed A. Rahal*, A. Andreo, F. Le Gallou, C. Bourigault, C. Bouchand, C. Ferriot, S. Corvec, A. Guillouzouic, C. Gras-Leguen, E. Launay, C. Flamant, D. Lepelletier *Nantes University Hospital, France Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 116, 87-90
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