
Prevalence and risk factors of inappropriate use of intravenous and urinary catheters in surgical and medical patients
B.J. Laan*, M.C. Vos, J.M. Maaskant, M.I. van Berge Henegouwen, S.E. Geerlings
*University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 698-704


Quality improvement tool for rapid identification of risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers
M. Marmor*, C. DiMaggio, G. Friedman-Jimenez, Y. Shao
*NYU Grossman School of Medicine, USA
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 710-716

全ゲノムシークエンシングにより検出された optrA がコードする接合性プラスミドを保有するリネゾリド耐性およびバンコマイシン耐性 ST80 エンテロコッカス・フェシウム(Enterococcus faecium)による病院アウトブレイク

Hospital outbreak of linezolid-resistant and vancomycin-resistant ST80 Enterococcus faecium harbouring an optrA-encoding conjugative plasmid investigated by whole-genome sequencing
S.A. Egan*, S. Corcoran, H. McDermott, M. Fitzpatrick, A. Hoyne, O. McCormack, A. Cullen, G.I. Brennan, B. O’Connell, D.C. Coleman
*University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 726-735

アシネトバクター属からのリアルタイム PCR による OXA-23 様、OXA-24 様、および OXA-58 様カルバペネマーゼの迅速検出

Rapid detection of OXA-23-like, OXA-24-like, and OXA- 58-like carbapenemases from Acinetobacter species by real-time PCR
M. Mentasti*, K. Prime, K. Sands, S. Khan, M. Wootton
*University Hospital of Wales, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 741-746

化膿性レンサ球菌(Streptococcus pyogenesemm75 による産後感染症のアウトブレイクの管理

Management of an outbreak of postpartum Streptococcus pyogenes emm75 infections
K. Trell*, J. Jörgense, M. Rasmuss , E. Senneby
*Lund University, Sweden
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 752-756


The influence of hospital antimicrobial use on carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacterales incidence rates according to their mechanism of resistance: a time-series analysis
E. Ortiz-Brizuela*, Y. Caro-Vega, M. Bobadilla-del-Valle, F. Leal-Vega, E. Criollo-Mora, B.A. López Luis, V. Esteban-Kenel, E. Torres-Veintimilla, A. Galindo-Fraga, A. Olivas-Martínez, E. Tovar-Calderón, P. Torres- González, J. Sifuentes-Osornio, A. Ponce-de-León
*Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Mexico
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 757-765

最適な給水システム管理による院内レジオネラ症の予防:3 種類の汚染除去方法の比較

Prevention of nosocomial legionellosis by best water management: comparison of three decontamination methods
A. Muzzi*, S. Cutti, E. Bonadeo, L. Lodola, V. Monzillo, M. Corbella, L. Scudeller, V. Novelli, C. Marena
*Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Italy
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 766-772

確立された感染予防・制御策は、病室から病院環境への SARS-CoV-2 拡散を防げるか?

Do established infection prevention and control measures prevent spread of SARS-CoV-2 to the hospital environment beyond the patient room?
J. Jerry*, E. O’Regan, L. O’Sullivan, M. Lynch, D. Brady
*Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 589-592

迅速フィードバックによる臨床現場(in-situ)シミュレーションを用いた COVID-19 に対する部門の準備強化★★

Enhancing departmental preparedness for COVID-19 using rapid-cycle in-situ simulation
A. Dharamsi*, K. Hayman, S. Yi , R. Chow, C. Yee, E. Gaylord, D. Tawadrous, L.B. Chartier, M. Landes
*University Health Network, Canada
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 604-607

SARS-CoV-2 検出における高速だが、処理能力が低い定量的逆転写 PCR(RT-qPCR)システムの評価★

Evaluation of a high-speed but low-throughput RT-qPCR system for detection of SARS-CoV-2
J. Sakai*, N. Tarumoto, Y. Orihara, R. Kawamura, M. Kodana, N. Matsuzaki, R. Matsumura, K. Ogane, T. Kawamura, S. Takeuchi, K. Imai, T. Murakami, S. Maesaki, T. Maeda
*Saitama Medical University, Japan
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 105, 615-618



