Outbreak of cutaneous zygomycosis associated with the use of adhesive tape in haematology patients
C. Lalayanni*, P. Baliakas, A. Xochelli, C. Apostolou, M. Arabatzis, A. Velegraki, A. Anagnostopoulos
*G. Papanicolaou Hospital, Greece
Journal of Hospital Infection (2012) 81, 213-215
本稿では、末梢静脈カテーテルの固定に使用したポリエチレン製粘着テープに関連するリゾプス・オリゼ(Rhizopus oryzae)皮膚感染症の 4 例のアウトブレイクを報告する。全例が血液疾患に罹患しており、感染症の重症度は好中球減少の持続期間に比例した。感染の消失には全身抗真菌薬療法および外科的デブリードマンによる治療が必要であった。同一ロットのテープすべてを処分し、アウトブレイクは鎮静化した。
Impact of an evidence-based intervention on urinary catheter utilization, associated process indicators, and infectious and non-infectious outcomes
A.Schweiger*, S.P. Kuster, J. Maag, S. Züllig, S. Bertschy, E. Bortolin, G. John, H. Sax, A. Limacher, A. Atkinson, D. Schwappach, J. Marschall
*National Centre for Infection Control, Switzerland
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 364-371
Temporal relationship between prevalence of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in one hospital and prevalence of MRSA in the surrounding community: a time-series analysis
Utility of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in an outbreak investigation of acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal injection
Applying psychological frameworks of behaviour change to improve healthcare worker hand hygiene: a systematic review
Administrative measures for preventing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers in a teaching hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil