Prospective study on the effect of shirt sleeves and ties on the transmission of bacteria to patients
R.L. Weber*, P.D. Khan, R.C. Fader, R.A. Weber
*Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, USA
Journal of Hospital Infection (2012) 80, 252-254
Whole genome sequencing in the prevention and control of Staphylococcus aureus infection
Nosocomial COVID-19 infection: examining the risk of mortality. The COPE-Nosocomial Study (COVID in Older PEople)
B. Carter*, J.T. Collins, F. Barlow-Pay, F. Rickard, E. Bruce, A. Verduri, T.J. Quinn, E. Mitchell, A. Price, A. Vilches-Moraga, M.J. Stechman, R. Short, A. Einarsson, P. Braude, S. Moug, P.K. Myint, J. Hewitt, L. Pearce, K. McCarthy, on behalf of the COPE Study Collaborators
*King’s College London, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 376-384
Short course antibiotic therapy for Gram-negative hospital-acquired pneumonia in the critically ill
Resistance of surface-dried virus to common disinfection procedures
Assessing data sources for sustainable and continuous surveillance: surgical site infections following coronary artery bypass grafts in England