Clinical course and outcome of a nosocomial outbreak of hepatitis C in a urology ward
L.M. Pekova*, P. Teocharov, A. Sakarev
*Trakia University, Bulgaria
Journal of Hospital Infection (2007) 67, 86-91
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
Aerosolized spread of bacteria and reduction of bacterial wound contamination with three different methods of surgical wound debridement: a pilot study
H.H. Sönnergren*, L. Strömbeck, F. Aldenborg, J. Faergemann
*The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Journal of Hospital Infection (2013) 85, 112-117
Alteration of antibiotic regimen as an additional control measure in suspected multi-drug-resistant Enterobacter cloacae outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit
A survey of commercially available electronic hand hygiene monitoring systems and their impact on reducing healthcare-associated infections
K-R. Cawthorne*, R.P.D. Cooke
*Department of Innovation Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Journal of Hospital Infection (2021) 111, 40-46
Disinfection of corrugated tubing by ozone and ultrasound in mechanically ventilated tracheostomized patients