Inactivation of Norovirus by ozone gas in conditions relevant to healthcare
J.B. Hudson*, M. Sharma, M. Petric
*Viroforce Systems Inc. Laboratory, Canada
Journal of Hospital Infection (2007) 66, 40-45
サマリー 原文(英語)はこちら
Randomized controlled trial of honey versus mupirocin to decolonize patients with nasal colonization of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Perceptions of patients’ and healthcare workers’ experiences in cohort isolation units: a qualitative study
M. Eli*, K. Maman-Naor, P. Feder-Bubis, R. Nativ, A. Borer, I. Livshiz-Riven
*Clalit Community Healthcare Services, Israel
Journal of Hospital Infection (2020) 106, 43-52
An evaluation of different methods for the recovery of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from environmental surfaces
Temporal trends and risk factors for healthcare-associated vancomycin-resistant enterococci in adults
Mismatch between suspected pyelonephritis and microbiological diagnosis: a cohort study from a UK teaching hospital